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Is there a difference between the thinking of a 20- or 30-something-year-old single male and a 40- or 50-something never-married single male about getting married? I will address that in the next article. In the meanwhile, first, view the video on the “HIS” Webpage. After that, view the response from her HERE of the marry-me-or-don’t-bother-coming-over ultimatum given by her. This film clip is from the movie “Picnic,” which was released by Columbia Pictures in 1955.
Did you know that you are on a mission with God? Have you ever watched any secret agent movies? They were on a top-secret mission to accomplish something really important. Well, you are a part of a top intelligence mission with God. What type of mission? Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to proclaim Jesus the Messiah to the world. A mission to save a lost and dying world, a mission to win people to Jesus and get people to go in the right direction. A direction to the kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of God.
You are so precious to God and He loves you. He needs you to do His work on this earth. He created you for a reason and He has a plan for your life. Today, I will show you how God has a plan for your life and wants to use you and how you can find out God’s plan for your life.
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
God has a plan for you. He created you for a purpose. There is a mission for you to complete. God wants to use you to reach people, to get people born-again and in His kingdom. There are assignments God has placed on your life that you are to accomplish. He has people for you to reach, things for you to do, and things you need to say. He has given you the ability to do them and will give you the words to speak as you trust in Him.
“O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; you understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether. You have hedged me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is high, I cannot attain it. Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me. If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall on me,” Even the night shall be light about me; Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, But the night shines as the day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You. For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You. Oh, that You would slay the wicked, O God! Depart from me, therefore, you bloodthirsty men. For they speak against You wickedly; Your enemies take Your name in vain. Do I not hate them, O Lord, who hate You? And do I not loathe those who rise up against You? I hate them with perfect hatred; I count them my enemies. Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.”
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
You see God knew you before you were born, He created you in your mother’s womb and knew all the things you were going to do for Him. He knew you and called you to do the great things He has planned for you. There is a Hebrew word ‘derek’ (strong’s 1870), meaning path or way. Billie Brim has taught us that God has a derek for each of us, a path or a way set for each of us. If you look at a child, you can see a bent in them, a way they are called of God and you should encourage them in that area and train them to do that calling. You are the same way, there is a calling and a purpose for your life and you need to train yourself in that direction. If you are called to be a minister train in that area, a doctor go to medical school, a lawyer go to law school, a beautician go to beauty school. God has a plan and a path for each of us to walk in and He wants to use you to fulfill it.
God wants you. He has an army of people to get His mission done and he needs you for this mission. Have you ever seen those army posters during war times with Uncle Sam pointing at you and it says, “I Want Your For The US Army” well God needs you for His army, for His mission you are important to Him and He wants to use you. God wants to use you to speak words of encouragement to people, for you to be His hands and feet and to go where He wants to go and to do want He wants you to do.
“Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms from those who entered the temple; who, seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, asked for alms. And fixing his eyes on him, with John, Peter said, “Look at us.” So he gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them—walking, leaping, and praising God. And all the people saw him walking and praising God. Then they knew that it was he who sat begging alms at the Beautiful Gate of the temple, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.”
In this passage of the Bible Peter and John were walking along to go to the temple. God stopped them there because God had an assignment for them to do. God needed these two men to be his hands and feet to help this poor lame man to get up and be healed. God still does miracles today, we are still writing the book of Acts with our lives and God needs us to do His work.
You can find out God’s plan for your life by:
1. Spending time with God and let Him speak to your heart.
Jeremiah 33:3 NKJV
“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”
As you are still in God’s presence, God will be able to speak to your spirit, to your heart what He has planned for you.
1 Corinthians 14:2 NKJV
“For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.”
As you pray in the spirit God will reveal to you your future and things that are to come. You will know things ahead of time and are able to pray out your future in the spirit. If you are not aware of this gift from God, you can read about it in the Book of Acts.
3. Reading the Bible
John 1:1-5 NKJV
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”
The Word of God is God speaking to you, as you read the Bible, God will speak to you through His Word. God has a plan for your life, and He wants to use you. He has a mission to complete and you are part of it. Go out and do the work He has for you to do.
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