
Is there a difference between the thinking of a 20- or 30-something-year-old single male and a 40- or 50-something never-married single male about getting married? I will address that in the next article. In the meanwhile, first, view the video on the “HIS” Webpage. After that, view the response from her HERE of the marry-me-or-don’t-bother-coming-over ultimatum given by her. This film clip is from the movie “Picnic,” which was released by Columbia Pictures in 1955.

Woman Praying

God Supplies

By Victoria Hundley

Philippians 4:19

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (KJV)
Every need you have, God will supply it. Why? Because He is good and He loves you. You are His child and He wants to take care of you and all of your needs. He does not want you to struggle through life, but for you to look to Him for your provision. He will meet all your needs and take care of you. Today I want to share with you how God is a good God and He will meet all of your needs as you look to Him and trust Him.

We Do Not Have To Lack

Psalm 34:10

The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. (NKJV)
As we seek the Lord and trust Him for His provision for us, we will always have our needs met. We will not lack any good thing. As you acknowledge God in the good things He has done in your life, He will continue to bless you more and more. You see, as you are thankful, it opens the blessings of heaven on your life and God will bless you over and over again, but when you complain it ties up those blessings. As much as God wants to bless you, He can’t because you are restricting Him from blessing you. We need to thank the Lord for the blessings He has given to us. Be thankful and be grateful for what God has already done in your life. As you do that, it will open the windows of blessing on you. So as you seek the Lord and bless Him with a thankful heart, He will pour those blessings on you. We do not have to lack because God is good and will meet all of your needs.

Psalm 37:25

I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread. (NKJV)
Anything you have need of, God will provide it. Yes, He will even supernaturally provide the things you have need of, or even stretch your money to make it last so that the money that you have does more than the value of it that you see with your eyes. So trust Him to meet your needs.
I heard of a story by some pastors, some years ago, one month they did not have much money and thought for just a minute of not tithing but quickly cast that thought down and decided to tithe. On paper it looked impossible for all of their needs to be met and the bills to be paid. However, they decided to tithe and trust God. They tithed their 10% and at the end of the month they had all of their needs met and money left over. On paper it did not make sense but God supernaturally provided for them.

My Debt Is Smitten

Deuteronomy 28:7

The Lord shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways”. (KJV)
One day, I was listening to a sermon preached by Jerry Savelle, a minister who had travelled with Reverend Kenneth Copeland. He taught about how our debts are smitten, and he shared this scripture from Deut. 28:7. The Merriam-Webster dictionary says smitten means: to strike sharply or heavily especially with the hand or an implement held in the hand. Well, God has smitten our debts with His hand.
Rev. Savelle instructed everyone to write down all of our debts and put it on a sheet of paper and thank God that those debts are taken care of—that they are smitten. I had a brand new car that I was making payments on. My car was one of the things I had written on that paper. Two and a half years into my loan, I was blessed by my precious family and they paid off the rest of my car of $13,000! Praise the Lord!
What was that from? From the goodness of God and His provision. It is an example of how God has already taken care of all my needs. God wanted to bless me and put it on my family’s heart to pay off my car. There is nothing too big for our God! He is good! Trust in Him, look to Him in everything. You will not lack, even when things seem hard, He will meet all your needs and supply them with His provision. You may ask, “What if my family does not have the money to pay off my car?” Well, believe God for the provision. It is God that provides not your family. He is the one who makes a way. God just used my family in this situation, but it is God who makes a way. Psalm 50:10 says, ‘For every beast of the forest is Mine, And the cattle on a thousand hills.’ (KJV) God has lots of ways to provide for you, you have to trust Him for the provision.
How can you build your faith for provision? By feeding your spirit with the Word of God concerning finances and provision. Also listening to preaching and teaching on God’s Word, because faith comes by hearing and hearing by God’s Word. You do not have to lack because God has already provided everything you need. Praise the Lord!