I Have Made Contact in Cyberspace

I finally made contact with someone in cyberspace. As you may recall, the last issue was about me hitting the delete button. What I didn’t mention was that in all the deleting, there was one profile that I had not deleted. One guy that I was not willing to dismiss. I didn’t respond to his emails. But, I kept his messages and profile. I will call him “Gauthier.”

I Have Made Contact in Cyberspace

I finally made contact with someone in cyberspace. As you may recall, the last issue was about me hitting the delete button. What I didn’t mention was that in all the deleting, there was one profile that I had not deleted. One guy that I was not willing to dismiss. I didn’t respond to his emails. But, I kept his messages and profile. I will call him “Gauthier.”

It was quite interesting, the way it turned out. I’ll share the story. I considered Gauthier to be attractive. I like his photos and the captions with them. He seemed to have what I considered a neat sense of humor. The only setback was that Gauthier was out of state. Correction: Way out of state.

Over a few months’ time, he sent other flirts, winks, or messages (depending on the site). I was flattered by the attention I was getting from Gauthier. I was beginning to be convinced that he seriously was interested in getting to know me. However, I was still bothered by the distance factor.


I sent him an IM a couple of times that week. However, just as I was beginning to get a little comfortable with this newfound cyber relationship, the conversation ended. He emailed me that he felt he was part of some “grand experiment.” This was after I asked him to check out my website. Bummer.

All in all, it was a good experience for me. I must say I have begun deleting again. 🙂

As a matter of fact, after that week, I had more than 30 people view my profile in one day.


I celebrated my birthday in July. I didn’t have a person of interest to take me out for my birthday event, but I went out with some friends and played cards. I checked my email (I think it was the day after my birthday) and had another message from Gauthier. To my enjoyment, it was a birthday greeting. With this, I began to recalculate the distance factor and concluded it is not so far away after all. If he were on the moon, at that point, it would not be too far away. I am a female; what can I say? To me, it seemed that if this person took the time to send me, someone he didn’t know, a greeting on my birthday, he was someone I would like to know.

Message In Bottle

So, what would any American girl who is signed up on a dating service do? I responded to his email. I couldn’t believe that I had finally acquiesced to communicate out in cyberspace—a rather intriguing, exhilarating, and adventurous act.

Don’t go yet. I also sent an IM to Gauthier. That’s right. I was checking my messages and saw that he was online. The dating service I was on had a message for me that invited me to chat with him. I’m a first-time IM user. So, I had to figure out how it was to be done. I was nervous and excited to communicate with Gauthier, whose profile I had not deleted.


Gauthier seemed to be a nice person. He was direct; I like that. His religious persuasion was in the right place for me, and, to my delight, I liked communicating with him.

Delete, delete… Six pages of delete. That was too much. I got five new flirts in that same day. I didn’t read any of them. The day after that, the viewing was down to 15 views of my profile. It was quite the anomaly. Things got back to normal after those two odd days. Whew!

It is great to be alive and well. Forming relationships as yourself is the best way to go. Everyone on the planet, in your country, your state, or your city, and so on, may not experience a notable benefit from knowing you. However, everything that you are, those things that make you the person you are, including your history, ethnicity, experiences, and relationships, should not be denied when forming new relationships. Be yourself.


First, in your walk with Christ: If you are not happy with yourself in your walk with God, figure out what it is that you don’t like about yourself and compare it with the Word of God. Pray about it. Whatever is lacking according to the Word, fix it. For example, if you are not attending a church and you sense that you should, Hebrews 10:25 encourages this way, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” It implies that some were not assembling with other believers. Perhaps, due to fear of being persecuted. However, Paul encouraged them to continue assembling for the purpose of exhorting one another. It is good to have brothers and sisters who are following Lord Jesus as you are. You will not get encouragement to be strong in your profession of faith in Christ from unbelievers.

Second: If you are not happy with yourself in some natural area, you can fix that also. An example would be, say, you are not content with your education level. Then go back to school. God will help you if that is the desire of your heart. If you are not willing to go back to school, then be happy with yourself.

Email me your comments. I will post some of the responses in next month’s issue.