
Is there a difference between the thinking of a 20- or 30-something-year-old single male and a 40- or 50-something never-married single male about getting married? I will share some information on that subject in the next article. In the meanwhile, first, view this film clip released by Columbia Pictures in 1955. Then view the conclusion on the HERS page. It is quite humorous.


Is there a difference between the thinking of a 20- or 30-something-year-old single male and a 40- or 50-something never-married single male about getting married? I will share some information on that subject in the next article. In the meanwhile, first, view this film clip released by Columbia Pictures in 1955. Then view the conclusion on the HERS page. It is quite humorous.

God created male and female. Genesis 2:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” This is where it all began for humans. Man created first with the woman inside him to be presented to him, at a later time, to be his help. Now I will fast forward.

Football Player

I have been watching football on television lately, and I ask myself, should women be permitted to compete in the sport along side the men? I think not. I also have been keeping up with the presidential primaries. I ask myself, do I want to see a female run this country? I won’t answer that now, but I will share with you my thoughts for today.

Adam And Eve

Father to the Fatherless

Article by Justin Coleman

In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve and told them to be fruitful and multiply. That was the beginning of family. Family truly is the foundation for all human institutions, including the church. It is the cornerstone upon which civilization itself is built. God made that declaration before the sin entered into the world. It was a part of His original plan for mankind. A marriage, between a man and a woman, producing children was, and is, God’s plan.
Both parents are essential to the family unit. Fathers and mothers have their unique roles and abilities to make a family whole. If one of them is missing then the family will suffer. If the family suffers then the children will bear the brunt of that burden. In our modern American society there is an outright assault on the “nuclear family” as described in the Word of God. Many disregard the biblical model of a family as outdated tradition that has no intrinsic value. Nothing could be further from the truth. God’s way is always better than anything mankind can come up with on their own.
You can see the fruit of this in some alarming statistics of what happens, especially with men, who grow up without a father. Prison, homelessness, suicides, all significantly higher among people who grow up without a father. – The Father Generation Statistics
There are a myriad of books about parenting, being a good father, etc. I couldn’t even begin to scratch the surface on those topics, but I just want to bring emphasis to the importance of HAVING a father. Some fathers might be absent or disengaged in the lives of their wife and children, but statistics show us that not having any father figure at all is a common denominator for societal ills.
You might be thinking, “I dont have a father figure in my life… am I doomed?!”. Absolutely not! The bible tells us in Psalm 68:5 (NIV) that God is “A father to the fatherless…”.
When I was a kid my dad was my hero. I was truly a chip off the old block. When I was a teenager my dad passed away very suddenly of heart disease. It was as if the whole world had collapsed from beneath my feet. I didn’t know Jesus as my Lord. I had never even been to a church service before. If you think of parents as pillars that hold up the family. It was as if one of those pillars had been knocked down and now the whole structure was crumbling. Life fell apart and I descended into despair. Thankfully, during the darkest of times, someone told me about this wonderful Jesus who loved me and wanted to rescue me from the darkness that was consuming me.
I put my faith in Christ and was born again and began to experience the reality of Psalm 68:5. God Himself come into my life to be a father. What does a father do? There are volumes on what that could be, but for me, I believe the most powerful thing a father can do is to simply be there. To be a rock that you can lean on. I can testify that throughout my life that He has always been there. Through all my ups and downs. Through my mistakes and failures, He was always there. He never leaves us, He never forsakes us.
Psalm 27:10 (NLT) says “Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close.”
Did my father choose to abandon me? Of course not! But the pain of abandonment still plagued me. The world had left me fatherless, but the Lord was there to hold me close. He was there as a faithful father who would never leave me, forsake me, or fail me. Maybe your experience isn’t like mine. Maybe your father was there, but disconnected. Maybe he was violent or abusive and you find yourself wishing he found an untimely end. Maybe you are fortunate enough to have a good and present father. Regardless of what your life experience has been, God wants to be more to you than just your God that you worship. Truly, He is worthy of all praise and we should worship Him and humble ourselves before Him. But He longs for you to know Him as your father. To have that close and personal relationship that goes beyond doing devotionals, singing songs at church, and praying for stuff that you need. He wants you to know and experience His fatherhood. It is in that personal and intimate relationship as members of the family of God that the depths of our souls are truly satisfied.
I encourage you to ask the Lord to show you how you can know Him as your father in a real and practical way. It doesn’t have to be a singular dramatic event that causes everything to change. Like any other relationship, it can grow and flourish over time as we endeavor to open our hearts to Him to fully embrace the role He wants to have in our life as our heavenly father.
Young Man Praying

In many cases, becoming single due to divorce has left females with joint or full custody of their children, which requires her to be the head of her household instead of being the helper. On another note, there is an increasing number of single females who are professionals, 40 or more years old, and never married. These women have left their father’s house, gone to school, gotten an education, and are now competing with men for the same jobs.

What is a man to do? One guy I spoke with told me a man would let the woman have the authority if she wants it. He will let her take the pressure and responsibility that he would normally assume. The man will then kick back and enjoy life

Once the woman has taken the authority, she has created her own problem. She runs things rather smoothly and to her pleasure. She accomplishes, in her opinion, what needs to be done. The problem then is whatever authority she has taken from the male, she can’t give it back because she has accomplished this her way. She has created for herself a conundrum. Something like a commercial used to run on television: a woman saying, “I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never, never, never let you forget you’re a man.” This woman was obviously on drugs. Advice to the ladies, get the wisdom of God involved in all that you do. Be willing to trust your Father.

I have been told in discussions with guys that they have to deal with the fear of rejection all the time when it comes to approaching a female of interest. But, what a man wants, he will surely go after if he wants it bad enough. I’ll give you an example. Last year at my church, we had a 4th of July celebration. It was open to the public. We had concession stands set up in the parking lots. I was a volunteer at the hamburger and hot dog concession. The weather was warm with a little cloud cover. As the clouds passed, it got hot. The line at the hamburger and hotdog concession was very long. It was wrapped in a snake-like fashion. There was at least a 30-45 minute wait to get to the front of the line for food.

As time passed, I noticed a strikingly handsome gentleman in the line. He had maybe five more minutes before he got to me to order his food. I did my best not to stare at him. Being single, I couldn’t afford to give the impression of desperation. I looked at everything but him. I looked at the ground; I looked at the sky. You know the routine, ladies. When he got to the head of the line, he ordered his food and paid for it. Then he leaned over and motioned me to come over so he could tell me something. He whispered in my ear, “I think you are very pretty.” I thanked him and blushed a bit. Then he was gone. (I have to admit that for the rest of that evening, I looked for him to come back to talk with me. He didn’t. Bummer!) Back to my point. This guy didn’t have to tell me that. The situation was not conducive to that. I came away from that, thinking that if a man wants to speak with you, he’ll do it. Ladies, you continue to be your pretty little self; he is made to be the hunter.

Next thought: are women faster and smarter than men are? I think it is unfair and unwise to compare one with the other. Men and women are different. Men have strengths that are given to them by God. We, women, admire that in men. Women also have strengths that God has given them. The challenge is to encourage men to be men and encourage women to be women. How does a single woman running her life by her rules keep her feminine edge? Hmmm. What is being promoted to the male of our species? Are they looking to have a life for them made easy? Have we women decided that we won’t need to be treated as the weaker/softer vessel because some men have, unlike their Father God, abused that “weaker vessel” verse of scripture? (I Peter 3:7, “Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them (women) according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.”)

The following are questions to be answered.

There is a surge of new sitcoms that often paint the picture of men as being incompetent. This could be a ruse of Satan to destroy the order that God has established for the success of his creation. As in the time of Samson and Delilah, God’s man should not give up his strength. Or, as Adam in the garden, our men should not rely on the woman to take the lead in hearing from God.

Adam And Eve

Jesus was an example of a man’s man, and he imparted to other men what his Father God taught him. Jesus was a leader among men. He knew his assignment from the Father and spent his life carrying it out. Matthew 4:18 and Luke 5:10 tell of the selection of the disciples by Jesus. Some may say that women are equal to men in everything. I disagree. Men have an inherent strength that is God-given. There is a reason God made Adam and then gave him a helpmate.

There is a surge of new sitcoms that often paint the picture of men as being incompetent. This could be a ruse of Satan to destroy the order that God has established for the success of his creation. As in the time of Samson and Delilah, God’s man should not give up his strength. Or, as Adam in the garden, our men should not rely on the woman to take the lead in hearing from God.

Jesus was an example of a man’s man, and he imparted to other men what his Father God taught him. Jesus was a leader among men. He knew his assignment from the Father and spent his life carrying it out. Matthew 4:18 and Luke 5:10 tell of the selection of the disciples by Jesus. Some may say that women are equal to men in everything. I disagree. Men have an inherent strength that is God-given. There is a reason God made Adam and then gave him a helpmate.

When God made a covenant with Abraham, He established circumcision of the male, not the female. Genesis 17:10 and 11, “This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised.  “At that time the Lord said unto Joshua, ‘Make thee sharp knives, and circumcise again the children of Israel the second time.’” The men represented the children of Israel and were circumcised, while the women were spared. God intended men to be the leaders.

And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you.” Also, later, when Joshua led the people out of the wilderness and to the Promised Land, the covenant was continued. Joshua 5:2, He allowed women to be the helpers. Somehow, we as humans have been tricked into minimizing the role the male plays in God’s plan. Yet, God has not changed His plan for the male. At the resurrection at the tomb of Jesus, Mary saw Jesus and was instructed to go tell Jesus’ brethren, John 20:17.

I don’t believe in abuse of any type. I don’t deny that some have taken this to the extreme, “Me Tarzan, you Jane.” However, the redeemed of the Lord, who are following their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, should be able to show the world how men are to lead. As single Christian men, being an example means taking the lead in their finances, in their walk with God, in their role as fathers, and brothers in the Body of Christ.

Thank God for men who are not intimidated by women in business or ministry. Thank God for the man that knows His Father God and makes it his goal to be all that God has called him, as a man, to be on the earth. Thank you, fellows, for being men. We, ladies, appreciate you.

Thank You